If you're on the fence about it, jump on over! The grass is about as green, but the gardens and flowers buzzing with your own personal army is amazing!
Package prices and dates have been set, and if you haven't placed your order yet, it is time!
4lb. packages will arrive April 7th and 14th. Strains available are;
AHB (Alaska Honey Bee)
WQD (Websters Queen Daughters)
NWC (New World Carniolan)
Cost is $135
Extra Queen $25
For more information http://web.mac.com/klmalone/Alaska_Honey_Bee/Package_Bees.html
5lb Packages will arrive April 20th. Strains available are;
Cost is $140
Extra Queen $23
For more information http://alaskabeeproducts.net/
Feel free to order bees from these suppliers either directly or through me. All Kenai Peninsula packages will be transported by me from Anchorage to strategic pick-up locations. I have never charged for this service, but as always, I ask folks to pitch in towards my gas if possible. This season I will be making 3 trips instead of my usual 1 big motherload. It can certainly get interesting driving the 160 miles back home with 400-plus pounds of honeybees in the Suburban! (Code-name "The Stinger")
Please don't wait until you pick up your bees to ask for equipment! If you get down to the wire, I may be able to work something out for you, but I really need a heads up if you're planning on ordering hives from me. As always, these hives are completely cut and assembled in small runs right here in my garage! I may or may not have extra's on hand when bees arrive. Remember, quality IS guaranteed!
For equipment orders on the Peninsula, drop-off and/or pick-up is usually the best option. Shipping to other areas of Alaska is quite reasonable, but varies depending on your order.
As always, please don't hesitate to call me with your bee or equipment orders as well as any questions you might have.....or just to chat about bees!
Sarah 252-5132